10 Places to put Adsense ads in Blogger

In this post, we'll talk about the 10 most common places in a site or blog where we can add AdSense ads and how we can implement these. Also, we'll get to know which are the most suitable formats based on those available in our AdSense account.

AdSense Advertisements

In the Sidebar

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How to implement

This is one of the most accessible places to put AdSense. Just go to the Page Elements (Layout), click on the "Add a Gadget" link, then add a HTML/JavaScript widget with your ad code inside it or add directly an AdSense widget.

Recommended formats: 125 × 125, 120 × 600 and 160 × 600, 300 x 600

Between posts

blogger posts, blogger tricks, adsense ads

Implementation:You can add AdSense ads between your posts by going to Layout, click on the "Edit" link below the Blog Posts section, then check the "Show Ads Between Posts" option.

Recommended formats: 468 × 60, 300 × 250 and 336 × 280

Under the header

blogger header, blogger tips, adsense


Before anything, you need to convert your AdSense ad code - you can use this converter here:

AdSense Ad Converter

Next thing to do is to go to your Blogger Template (log in to your Blogger Dashboard, click on Template and press the Edit HTML button) and click anywhere inside the code area to search for the following code using the CTRL + F keys:
<div id='header-wrapper'>
Paste the converted code right after it.

Recommended formats: 728 × 90 and 728 × 15

Above the blog posts

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Convert your ad code and search for <div id='main-wrapper'> in your template.

Paste the converted code right after it.

Recommended formats: 460 × 68, 468 × 15 and 336 × 280

Under the post title (this will be visible on all the pages)

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Convert your AdSense ad code and go to your Template > Edit HTML > click anywhere inside the code area and search for the following line (CTRL + F):
<div class='post-header-line-1'/>
Note: if you can't find it, search it without the ending slash /

Paste the converted code right after it.

Recommended formats: 468 × 68 and 468 × 15

Under the post title (visible only on the posts pages)


Convert your ad code and then go to your Template, click anywhere inside the code area and look for:
<div class='post-header-line-1'/>
Note: if you can't find it, search it without the trailing slash /

Paste the converted code, following this example:
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'>

<!-- Add here the code of your ad -->

Recommended formats: 468x68 and 468x15

In the posts' footer

post footer, adsense, blogger blogspot


Convert your ad code and then go to your Template > click anywhere inside the code area and look for:
<p class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-3'/>
Note: if you can't find it, search it without the trailing slash /

Paste the converted code right after this line.

Recommended formats: 468x68 and 468x15

In the post's body (it will be visible on all pages)

adsense how to, blogger tricks, gadgets


Convert your ad code and then go to your Template > click anywhere inside the code area and look for:
<div class='post-body entry-content'>
Note: in case you don't fint this code, search only for <div class='post-body'>

And paste the converted code by following the example below:
<div style='float:right'>

<!-- Add here the code of your ad -->

Recommended formats: 125x125, 180x150, 120x240 and 200x200

In the post's body (visible only in post pages)

Convert your ad code and then go to your Template, click anywhere inside the cod area and look for:
<div class='post-body entry-content'>
Note: in case you don't find this code, search only for <div class='post-body'>

And paste the converted code by following this example:
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'>
<div style='float:right'>

<!-- Add here the code of your ad -->

Recommended formats: 125x125, 180x150, 120x240 and 200x200

Between post and comments (visible only on posts pages)


Convert your ad code and then go to your Template, click anywhere inside the code area and look for:
<b:includable id='postQuickEdit' var='post'>
Paste the converted code just above it, following this example:
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'>

<!-- Add here the code of your ad -->

Recommended formats: 468x60, 300x250 and 336x280

In the blog's footer

blogger footer, adsense ads, make money online


Convert your ad code and then go to your Template, click anywhere inside the code area and look for:
<div id='footer-wrapper'>
Paste the converted code right after it.

Recommended formats: 728x90 and 728x15


Some questions that are likely to arise:

I can't find the codes, what should I do?
When searching for a specific code, make sure that you have no spaces before/after it. These are the default codes of Blogger and should be found in all the templates unless they have been modified by the template designer.

Why should I convert my AdSense code?
The Blogger's Template reads it as text and not as code so it is better to avoid any errors when trying to save it.

The ads are not displaying properly, why is that?
The ads could be affected by the styles (CSS) selectors (divs) containing them and some templates could be wrong designed, then you should consider modifying these styles, look for another relevant place or in extreme cases, change the template.

Can I put the all 10 codes on my blog?
No, you should choose just one of the locations where you want to put the ads considering that AdSense have some limits on the number of ads that could be displayed. Try to make a balance with your content.

Why there should be only 3 ads displayed on the main page?
This is due to the limit set by AdSense. Combine the type of ads (text, rich media ads and link units) if you want to show more ads.

Hopefully, this guide will be useful to those of you who need to display AdSense ads on your blog.


  1. This is great, I will come back and see if I need …

    keep blogging

  2. Ofcourse these position get instant attention to reader so if you are going to put ad in these position then your CTR will high.

  3. This sounds great! Such a very useful and effective places to place ads for adsense. Will try to check this out. Thank you for sharing them.

  4. You Noe Wot Bro ? :D
    Yur The Best Blogger I've Evah Seen In Mah Life :''>
    Thank You So Fucking Much :D

  5. so helpfull thank you very much

  6. Hi nice post! Do you know what is better for the CPC putting the code as you described or putting it straight into the post code or inside a widget?

  7. Awesome, nice post.
    it'e will get payment.

  8. really hats off!!
    thanx a lot

  9. Good and important one.
    Thank for sharing bro...

  10. Appreciated post. helpful Tips for Basic blogger. Me also placed adsense with the help of this post.

  11. Pretty much helpful.. Thank Buddy..

  12. thanks a lot. add in a post will help to increase earnings

  13. I want to place my blog in adsense.This post was very helpful for me.

  14. Nice Infrormation Thanks'''''''''''''

  15. hello sir, just wanna ask if how to put ads below the 3rd or 4th line in my articles. please help

  16. Thanks buddy ! adding adsence in one of these position will surelly improve my adsence earning .

  17. Nice Information. Keep blogging this kind of information.. Thanks!

  18. I used an ad right side of the header. But less click. Your post help me and now I will apply another place.

  19. My best result is in the posts's footer, thanks a lot!

  20. Nice tips. Thanks for sharing.
    For math tips please visit: http;//www.brain-key-1.blogspot.com

  21. I want to add chitika adv between two blog posts. What I do

  22. ty blogger for such a nice article. i m going to use it on my blog.

  23. Thanks greatly for this tips, they are really helpful. Do you mind looking at this my blog, I have been trying to sign up on Google ad but not able I have try to work with them but they still did not accept me in. please what can I do? here is the link to the blog site;

    <a href="http://allmoneyideal.com/">allmoneyideal.com</a>

  24. i impressed to see this post . thanks admin .

  25. Thanks this is what I've been looking for.

  26. Dear Admin Please Help me. In this way Don't show ads in my blog. What can I do in this situation.

  27. nice post, but i'm getting this error "Error parsing XML, line 1459, column 15: Attribute name "async" associated with an element type "script" must be followed by the ' = ' character." when i hit save.

    help please

  28. i truly like you post brother.. but i'm facing a difficult saving it, i get this error massage : Error parsing XML, line 1473, column 15: Attribute name "async" associated with an element type "script" must be followed by the ' = ' character.

    I want to place my ad after the tittle of the post(every page)
    Help please.

    1. when u click on get code.. click on code type and choose synchronous

  29. thanks for help, I will edit my theme

  30. thank to info..... awesome post.... i like it

  31. nice,,but can u create a post showing, how to add extra column on blogger

  32. Please, while put this script below article, i get error: Error parsing XML, line 1099, column 15: Attribute name "async" associated with an element type "script" must be followed by the ' = ' character. Can you help me to solve this matter?

    1. BRO! Use 2nd type of script which is shown when you open get code link in Adsense ;)

  33. Hi my Name is Anum ,some position are not working on my blog can you please help me .....
    this is my blog link www.newsdrivers.blogspot.com

  34. thanx very much admin such a nice post.

  35. its not working bro, i have been trying for almost 7 hours to get one ad between the post and comments, its NOT WORKING I AM REALLY EFF FRUSTRATED!!!

  36. Admin,
    Where should I place ad in the post's body? Is it before or after div class='post-body entry-content' ?

  37. Friends, I have a problem with my adsense account, more than 02 month I have seen a red bar on my adsense page that "Your AdSense for content application is still under review. You will only see blank ads until your account has been fully approved or disapproved. Learn more." Please help me what can I do for resolving this issue. my blog address is http://entertainment-plateform.blogspot.com

  38. Using the responsive code I get the error: Error parsing XML, line 3650, column 15: Attribute name "async" associated with an element type "script" must be followed by the ' = ' character.

  39. BRO! Use 2nd type of script which is shown when you open get code link in Adsense ;)

  40. it's not working

  41. before adsense approve can i add in my blogger?

  42. Hello! This is very helpful. However, I can't find div id='main-wrapper' in my template. What's the alternative for placing ads above post title?

  43. Nice on.But i don't think placing adsense between post and comments would give a high conversion rate.Best to place them within the post.But best to figure out particular ad formats that would resonate and follow the rhythm of a publishers blog.

  44. Seriously, this is the best post i have found regarding adsense coding and placement for Blogspot. I didn't want to use AdSense Widgets. I wanted to put HTML codes through Template, and i have put codes in some places, but don't know how to put in the middle of the post. You have told all this here. And, by the way, what is the best performing ad unit for you, in terms of size? Thank you for creating such a helpful post.

  45. how to add google adsense in my www.sugugood.blogspot.in but no visible ads.

  46. GOD Bless
    Thanks Team

  47. Thank you very much. Now i understand where is the best position for ads on my blog.

  48. Hello Sir, could you make a post on how to show alternate content to adblock users for blogger blogspot? please refer this post
    I would be happy if you could make a script for blogger. Please help us. Thank you.

  49. Hi! Good post, but i want to know how to put async ads between posts.

    Many thanks!

  50. Thanks.But how to show ads after page title?

  51. Can i show superlinks/google ad exchange advertisement in between articles of my blogger blog http://www.webcodeexpert.com/ ?

  52. Dear Admin. This is a Grate Post and Very Helpful. I need Adsense code Converter for my Blog.
    My Blog is http://bloggersonlinetrainings.blogspot.com/. I want to add adsense code converter in a New Post.
    Please send me of Post a Post.
